There has been a great boom in the value of sports memorabilia. Whether the item be a Baseball Card, a major event admission ticket stub, a program to a significant event or an autograph of a sports star, values have soared.
Thoroughbred racing is blessed with a variety of very special types of sports memorabilia. Whether the item be a part of the Jockey’s ensemble, the owner’s prizes, or something worn by the horse in competition, new items to be cherished by fans are born daily in the Sport of Kings.
In November of 1999, Ralph and Terry Kovel, authors of “The Antiques & Collectibles Price List” and publishers of more than sixty other publication on the subject, purchased their first thoroughbred collectable, a saddle cloth worn by U CAN DO IT. The Kovels purchased this cloth as a gift for a friend who was taking a position as the a director of catering at Churchill Downs.
This item was purchased from Peter Fox representing the Jana Domino Thoroughbred Foundation, at the New York City Fall Pier Antique Show. Mr. Kovel said to Peter “ The Saddle Cloth is a collectible of the New Millennium.”
On during 1999, the Secretariat collection of tack boxes, blankets, horse shoes, photographs and bronzes reached in excess of $350,000.00. demonstrating that there is a big market for high ticket items, especially the right ones.
During the month of April, the Hollywood Futurity saddle cloth and horse shoes worn for that race, belonging to Kentucky Derby favorite Point Given was purchased on Ebay for $1,375.00 from Fusaichi Pegasus’ Kentucky Derby Blanket sold for $2,850.00 also sold by, and they are now offering the Saddle Cloth worn by Cigar in his second place finish to Skip Away in the Jockey Club Gold Cup for $8,500.00.
Saddle cloths are not the only sports memorabilia items being sold in this hot sports market. Everything from autograph jockey whips, authenticated horseshoes worn by stakes horses in famous races, jockey silks sometimes autographed, old books, photographs, racing magazines, track promotions items (plates, mugs, posters, tote bags, drinking glasses, umbrellas, caps, shirts, posters, cushions and other promotional items), saddles, bridals, halters, movies, and almost any equine related item that can be linked to a special racehorses, a jockeys, or a racing events, are items of value. The market is growing every day and there are multi-millions of dollars annually being produced in memorabilia in the normal course of events of by the thoroughbred industry.
We are currently selling items under the name of pedrozorro at Ebay. We are not the only ones selling items of this nature on Ebay and the other online auction venues. Items belonging to The Jana Domino Thoroughbred Foundation are being sold by us under the name of robertozorro on Ebay, and Peter Fox at
The racetracks and horsemen put on the show and pay for every part of the creation of this valuable merchandise. It is therefore reasonable to expect that the millions of dollars created in the form of these collectibles are actually the property of the horsemen and racetracks. Somehow it gets lost in the excitement of the event and through lack of comprehension as to its value. However, all too often when the memorabilia is presented to the racing fans and thoroughbred enthusiasts, the benefits are not there to be reaped by the horseman.
There are countless equine related projects that are in need of money, and the moeny is there to be reaped by the horsemen and directed to the variety of worthwhile projects that are in dire need of funds. It is for the organizations in the thoroughbred industry, such as the various trainers’ organizations, and the Jockey Guild to take control of what is their property and direct the proceeds where they need them to go.
The money that has raised thus far by the sale of such memorabilia has been directed by The Jana Domino Thoroughbred Foundation to the Belmont Day Care Center, the Jockeys’ Guild, the Belmont Chaplain Services and B.E.A.T. (Backstretch Employees Assistance Team). Collectibles of true value create interest in and of themselves. The manner in which these items are presented to the public is a way of interacting with the fan base of the industry. Whether presented at live auctions or Jockey Karaoke at Saratoga, an atmosphere is created where the public can meet and interact with the influential people of our industry. Proper presentation on line, includes important information and provides awareness and interaction which educates fans. This happens only when offered in a proper standard of sales presentation. Additionally, the fan building quality of offering these items through the horsemen themselves, demonstrate to the fan that awareness of fan presence is recognized and important. Furthermore, it indicates that the horsemen as a group feel that the fan interest is vital to our business.
Whether the venue of making such memorabilia available to the fans and enthusiasts is the online auctions, the Jockey Karaoke events at Saratoga, or antique shows, or other merchandising events, the value of this merchandise must be recognized as a very marketable fund raiser.
A saddle cloth worn by Champion Perfect Sting donated by Joe Orseno sold for $600.00 at the Jockey Karaoke silent auction at Saratoga. A halter worn by Cryptoclearance during the 1999 breeding season donated by the owner of the stallion, Phil Teinowitz sold for $535.00 at robertozorro on Ebay. These are just some of the items and what they brought with the funds working there way to our industry charities.
At the Jana Domino Thoroughbred Foundation we find that we have had the wonderful active support of many industry people providing merchandise, although we have asked for the support of many others in our community. We currently want to thank trainers like Joe Orseno, Shug MacGaughey, Todd Pletcher, Scotty Schulhofer, Mike Hushion, Dennis Brida….
We currently can thank Jockeys Jerry Bailey, Jose Santos, Pat Day, Shane Sellers, Mike Smith, John Velasquez, Aaron Gryder, Phil Treator…..
We want to thank personalities like Phil Teinowitz, Angel Cordero, Jr., Eddie Maple, Barry K. Schwartz, Mike Lakow, Adam and Bob Coglianese, Terry Meyhocks, ……..
We also express our gratitude to The New York Racing Association, Gainesway Farm, Margaux Stud.. for there contributions
These individuals and their respective organizations have been behind our work at the Jana Domino Thoroughbred Foundation. We are just at the actual onset of our work to provide this merchandise to raise money for our worthwhile causes and provide the fans with treasures that we are certain that they want. We expect the active and constant support of everyone in our industry, especially the active support of those who prosper most from the thoroughbred business. After all, it is the responsibility of the ones on top to help the business grow and provide a model of excellence and responsibility to the industry and its programs. It is surely time for those who benefit most to show their class and exhibit their humanity to those in need of assistance in our industry, and to our treasured fans. All we ask is that you the horsemen donate memorabilia oriented merchandise to promote our important work.
Our treasured fans as our most valued asset and are the primary faction for which memorabilia needs to be provided to promote our sport and create a new level of fan interest.
The availability of sports memorabilia has been an integral part of creating fan interest in virtually every sport. It is something that fans love and something that also creates new fans. Memorabilia makes a great gift and certain items are treasured and worthy of being passed on from generation to generation.
Intricate plans are already underway to create a national thoroughbred racing fans’ club. This club will be endorsed by the United Thoroughbred Trainers Association and the Jockey Guild.
At this time we must move forward with this program of memorabilia availability and collectible enlightenment. After all “The Time is Always Now.”
PAREME, (Peter and Robert Equine Memorabilia Enterprises), an organization created by Peter Fox and Robert Fox, presents its merchandise in manner which creates a standard of excellence for listing items for sale. Beautiful photographs are put online to exhibit the items up for auction. Extensive copy is added which supplies an accurate description of what is available for sale and explains the value of what is being offered. We at PAREME then add some of the romance and lure of the thoroughbred industry in our explanation. These items are offered with various methods of payment and items are shipped with an excellent level of protection to insure buyers that their merchandise will arrive in excellent condition. We also respond promptly to our successful buyers and interested active bidders, and portray the thoroughbred industry in a manner which demonstrates the class and character of its participants. Meticulous attention to careful packaging, and excellent fan interaction through the internet, are significant aspects of the enterprise.
Additionally, as members of the racing community now entering our fourth decade of participation, we feel privileged to extend a great effort for the general well being of the thoroughbred industry, which has been so kind to us for so many years. Our backgrounds in the thoroughbred industry are available at our merchandise website, We feel it is important to organize this aspect of the industry. As officers of the Jana Domino Thoroughbred Foundation, we have determined that a stronger effort to produce revenue for thoroughbred related charities through the sale of equine memorabilia is necessary.
It is worthwhile to reiterate that, it is surely time for those who benefit most to show their class and exhibit their humanity to those in need of assistance in our industry, and to our treasured fans. All we ask is that you the horsemen, donate memorabilia oriented merchandise to promote our important work.